Week 5
Monday: Train Victim

6/19/2006 - Police say a woman called 911 at 4:12 p.m., claiming there was a body of a man on the railroad tracks near 12th and Graham streets, a short distance north of Charlotte's uptown.
Police say a train passed through the area three minutes earlier (4:09 p.m.) and that they believe the man was hit by the train, although they sent Homicide detectives to investigate the scene.
Tuesday: Construction!

6/21/2006 - Sealand Construction workers pave East Blvd. near the Scott Rd. intersection on Tuesday afternoon. The construction company began paving on Monday, although the entire project started May 1st. With the addition of pedestrian islands, the road is narrowing from four lanes to three; some people are not happy with the city project because they fear it will cause long delays.

Wednesday: Superintendent Goodbye

6/22/2006 - CMS Superintendent Frances Haithcock hugs her friend and former board member Louise Woods at a farewell party held Thursday evening at the Mint Museum of Art. During her six years in CMS, Haithcock made an impression through her progress and dedication to students. Chairman of the Board of Education Joe White said "I'm a great fan of Dr. Frances Haithcock," and that "if you look up class lady in the dictionary, you will find her picture." White went on to comment how most people anticipate a stand-still in an interim, but Haithcock has been moving forward in the right direction since she began.

Thursday: EOG Results and Ginny

6/23/2006 - Vance High School Principal Katherine Rea answers questions following a press conference regarding end-of-course test results that were released Friday morning. Vance, along with East Mecklenburg and Independence, showed the most significant improvement in overall scores. Scores also improved in nine out of the ten priority high schools.

6/23/2006 - Ginny Tracy prepares a series of monkey headdresses in the costume shop at Halton Theatre on Friday. Although her peers were putting the final touches on "Parade," Tracy had already begun work for "The Jungle Book," which begins July 5 at CPCC as part of a summer theatre series. Tracy has been working on several shows for CPCC and aspires to a life in the theater.

Sunday: WWE Vengeance
This was published as an online package, so here are more pictures than normal.

6/25/2006 - Thousands of WWE fans wrapped around the Bobcats Arena prior to the show's opening on Sunday night. Fans waited outside since before 4:00 p.m. in the rain.

6/25/2006 - Chance Mullins gets his ticket checked with his dad Michael shortly after doors opened to the public.

6/25/2006 - Randy Orton puts a choke hold on Kurt Angle in his victory during a dark-match on Sunday evening.

6/25/2006 - Umaga unleashes a fiery scream as he pummels Eugene at WWE Vengeance on Sunday. Despite the help of his friends Hacksaw Jim Duggan*, Oink the Clown, and Kamala, Eugene wasn't able to hold off Umaga and lost the match.

6/25/2006 - Charlotte native "Nature Boy" Ric Flair soaks in applause from his hometown at the WWE Vengeance Pay-Per-View event held at the Bobcats Arena on Sunday. Flair faced wrestling veteran Mick Foley in a best-of-three fall match, and won in bloody fashion.

6/25/2006 - Late in the match, Foley pulled out a barbed-wire wrapped baseball bat and hit Flair, causing blood to cover his face. Flair was escorted away from the ring after his victory.

6/25/2006 - Triple H motions to the crowd following his victory with fellow D-Generation X member Shawn Michaels over the Spirit Squad.

6/19/2006 - Police say a woman called 911 at 4:12 p.m., claiming there was a body of a man on the railroad tracks near 12th and Graham streets, a short distance north of Charlotte's uptown.
Police say a train passed through the area three minutes earlier (4:09 p.m.) and that they believe the man was hit by the train, although they sent Homicide detectives to investigate the scene.
Tuesday: Construction!

6/21/2006 - Sealand Construction workers pave East Blvd. near the Scott Rd. intersection on Tuesday afternoon. The construction company began paving on Monday, although the entire project started May 1st. With the addition of pedestrian islands, the road is narrowing from four lanes to three; some people are not happy with the city project because they fear it will cause long delays.

Wednesday: Superintendent Goodbye

6/22/2006 - CMS Superintendent Frances Haithcock hugs her friend and former board member Louise Woods at a farewell party held Thursday evening at the Mint Museum of Art. During her six years in CMS, Haithcock made an impression through her progress and dedication to students. Chairman of the Board of Education Joe White said "I'm a great fan of Dr. Frances Haithcock," and that "if you look up class lady in the dictionary, you will find her picture." White went on to comment how most people anticipate a stand-still in an interim, but Haithcock has been moving forward in the right direction since she began.

Thursday: EOG Results and Ginny

6/23/2006 - Vance High School Principal Katherine Rea answers questions following a press conference regarding end-of-course test results that were released Friday morning. Vance, along with East Mecklenburg and Independence, showed the most significant improvement in overall scores. Scores also improved in nine out of the ten priority high schools.

6/23/2006 - Ginny Tracy prepares a series of monkey headdresses in the costume shop at Halton Theatre on Friday. Although her peers were putting the final touches on "Parade," Tracy had already begun work for "The Jungle Book," which begins July 5 at CPCC as part of a summer theatre series. Tracy has been working on several shows for CPCC and aspires to a life in the theater.

Sunday: WWE Vengeance
This was published as an online package, so here are more pictures than normal.

6/25/2006 - Thousands of WWE fans wrapped around the Bobcats Arena prior to the show's opening on Sunday night. Fans waited outside since before 4:00 p.m. in the rain.

6/25/2006 - Chance Mullins gets his ticket checked with his dad Michael shortly after doors opened to the public.

6/25/2006 - Randy Orton puts a choke hold on Kurt Angle in his victory during a dark-match on Sunday evening.

6/25/2006 - Umaga unleashes a fiery scream as he pummels Eugene at WWE Vengeance on Sunday. Despite the help of his friends Hacksaw Jim Duggan*, Oink the Clown, and Kamala, Eugene wasn't able to hold off Umaga and lost the match.

6/25/2006 - Charlotte native "Nature Boy" Ric Flair soaks in applause from his hometown at the WWE Vengeance Pay-Per-View event held at the Bobcats Arena on Sunday. Flair faced wrestling veteran Mick Foley in a best-of-three fall match, and won in bloody fashion.

6/25/2006 - Late in the match, Foley pulled out a barbed-wire wrapped baseball bat and hit Flair, causing blood to cover his face. Flair was escorted away from the ring after his victory.

6/25/2006 - Triple H motions to the crowd following his victory with fellow D-Generation X member Shawn Michaels over the Spirit Squad.